Day 2 - London Fashion Week AW17 Ashley Isham
Posted on 18 February 2017
Feburary 18, 2017
In contrast to the softness of the clothing, the hair look demonstrated strength with three strong knots a top a loose pony.
The Hair
Jon Wilsdon, label.m International Artistic Director led the label.m Session Team backstage at Ashley Isham AW17.
The Collection
Isham’s inspiration for AW17 came from the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. Evoking a winter’s night of a distant world, the collection was both ethereal and elegant, with light materials and soft shapes.
The Products
label.m Volume Mousse
label.m Hairspray
label.m Texturising Volume Spray
The Tools
label.m Grooming Brush
Follow all the latest backstage news for LFW at labelmusa.